Lucky Little Blogger

This blog still feels so new to me, there are a couple of posts from back in 2012 when I had absolutely no idea what was going on was having a little play about. But really it’s only been the last few months that I started to feel settled and not panic as much about what I was posting. I didn’t imagine that anybody would actually read the gibberish I was spouting. So every comment, like or follow we receive is special to us. What’s more special though, are the friendships we have began to form with so many of you. We love reading about your adventures as much as we enjoy sharing our own.

So imagine our joy when in the past couple of weeks we have been given, not one, but TWO awards from our new friends. No, you can’t imagine, and that’s wise as it would probably burst your eardrums!

The lovely Melissa over at Barking from the Bayou was the very first person I connected with over on BlogPaws. We bonded over dressed-up Westies and last week she presented me with this:

Blog Award of Excellence

We were so happy I can’t tell you, Melissa also passed it on to lots of other lucky bloggers. This was great as it meant I could go visit them too, and make even more friends. Thank you Melissa!

Anyway, it doesn’t look like there are any rules attached to this award but we wanted to share it too, with some of our favorites. We decided to go for those we find particularly ‘excellent’ and always entertaining. It was here that I realised where the difficulty lies… I love ALL THE BLOGS. So, we’ve narrowed it down to a very short list. If you already have the award, please accept my apologies but I have seen some blogs were more than one of the same kind has been awarded and well, it’s a pretty lovely, shiny, gold number. It’s surely not a bad thing to have more than one? 😉

In no particular order, these are the blogs that make our tails wag furiously (yes, even my imaginary one) and who we would like to share this award with:
1/ Misaki – We adore the lovely Misaki; Myfie, Ellie and Millie reckon that if we lived closer she would be definitely be their sister-from-another-mister.
2/ Wiley – Wiley is so wise and lovely. His outlook is so positive you can’t help but smile.
3/ Oh My Shih Tzu – From one crazy Shih Tzu lady, to another
4/ Clowie – Clowie is one of our oldest friend around here, we love reading about her adventures, and serious issues too.
5/ Scottie Mom – Heather, Mr. K and friends are beautiful and Scottie Mom never fails to make us laugh.

Our lovely friend, Misaki awarded this to us and other UK bloggers that are in much need of some sunshine! Great idea, since we often find ourselves lacking in that department, even in the summer.


Because of this we Brits tend to get creative in how we find it. We would like to pass this award on to blogs that make our outlook sunny, whatever the weather:
1/ Barking from the Bayou – Melissa loves to write, and we love to read! Perfect for spreading happy!
2/ Animal Couriers – I think these guys might just have the best job in the world. They spread happiness and there’s more cute than you can shake a stick at.
3/ The Sundog Drift – Jo takes amazing photos and I often accuse her and her gorgeous furry friends of killing me with the. But it’s a lovely thing.
4/ We Live in a Flat – Another fabby blog about two of my favourite things; dogs and photos!
5/ Golden Woofs – Sugar the Golden Retriever’s blog never fails to make us smile. So much fun there!

All of these blogs are much bigger than our tiny little corner. However, if there are some you haven’t had the opportunity to visit yet, please do. You won’t be disappointed.

Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x

27 thoughts on “Lucky Little Blogger

  1. What a treat to get awards! it really does make you feel special! Congrats and keep on with the gibberish..we all speak the same language hahaha 🙂 Fozziemum

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your award with those other great blogs! I follow several but there are a few new ones to read. You certainly deserve the award because you are excellent! I love the Sunshine Award!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is such a happy award! I will put it on my blog right away! ❤

    • Aww thanks so much Melissa, so pleased there were some new blogs for you to sniff out too! You are so very welcome, you deserve all the awards! Specially the happy ones!
      Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x

  3. Congratulations on your awards!
    Thank you for passing on the Excellence Award to me. It’s very much appreciated.
    There are a couple of blogs on your list that I don’t know, I’ll try to visit them during the week – it’s always fun to find new friends!

    • Thank you Clowie! You’re right, I think that’s what is great about these awards; they introduce us to so many new friends. You are very welcome too, so deserved of every award you get!
      Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x

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