(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday: Tutu Much Fun

millie meerkat 2

ellie meerkat

myfie meerkat

Hurray! We finally got to have the pawty!… The weather wasn’t great for photo taking, very overcast. It was also really warm and humid but that didn’t stop these pups enjoying themselves.

pupcake close edt

millie lick chops edt

ellie lick chops edt

myf fade
We started with the birthday pupcakes made by mummy (Beef casserole with cream cheese frosting if you’re interested), they were a real hit with everybody as you can see by all their mucky mushes.

Millie tutu edt

Ellie strut edt

myfie mucky face
The it was time for some proper fun, they were really testing out the tutu’s, running around, playing fetch and fighting. Unfortunately my camera battery ran out (how typical is that?) and it wasn’t too long before the heat started taking its toll.

millie bum

ellie eyes edt

Happy Myf bw

So the pups cooled off with some homemade frosty yoghurt treats and we just made it inside before it rained… for a change!

Thank you for sharing our pawty fun with us! šŸ™‚



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33 thoughts on “(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday: Tutu Much Fun

  1. Looks and sounds like a great birthday pawty! Millie and Ellie look super cute in their tutus. The homemade treats look delicious. Glad the weather cleared finally for the pawty and that everyone made it back inside before the rain came. Great photos — Myfie, Ellie and Millie look like they’re having a wonderful time šŸ˜„šŸŽ‚šŸŽšŸŽˆšŸŽ‰

    • thank you so much Bill and Charley! They were so anxious to get these tutus on right from when I started to make them!
      The treats went down a bomb (as always) and I think they had lots of fun… flapping tongues told me that šŸ™‚
      Hugs, Carrie and Pups! x

  2. What a great pawty! Girls your Tutus are adorable and Myfie your collar looks wonderful with your coat! Your Mom did a wonderful job as always with your pictures! Leaves us wanting more šŸ™‚
    Marty and Mom

    • Aww thanks so much Marty and Mom! Myfie’s neck ruffle was an alternative to making him a tutu because whatever the girls have, he wants! Little monkey! Thank you so much for your lovely comment, it means a lot!
      Hugs, Carrie and Pups! x

    • Hahaha definitely the show off part… sometimes getting them to model can be hard work, but that’s what you get for working with divas šŸ˜‰ thank you so much, couriers!
      Hugs, Carrie and Pups! x

  3. Absolutely adorable pictures…so vivid and crisp..and actually overcast is the best for outdoor pics believe it or not..wedding photographers love overcast and so do I šŸ™‚ looking adorable and very squee Millie Ellie and Myfie hugs and loves Fozziemum xxxxx

    • Thank you lovely, Bev! Ohhh is that true?? I always thought it was a bad thing, the amount of times I have put off taking photos for that very reason… now i never will again!! Thank you! And what a great thing to be able to tell a sad bride!
      Hugs, Carrie and Pups! x

      • No not at all..it has a much better result..go figure šŸ™‚ and I tried to tell my daughter-in law on her wedding day when the heavens opened in a torrential downpour..the pics the photographer did manage to get outside where brilliant! sadly the ceremony was not able to be held under the giant oak tree she had planned on for months…Hugs and loves Bev xx

    • Ohhh thank you, Easy! The pups said to tell you that the cakes were delicious and if you were here they would definitely share with you!
      Hugs, Carrie and Pups! x

    • Hey Dennis!! Thanks so much, I made them and then forced them to wear them!! Bwahahahaa… not really, they forced me to make them!!! The party could have only been better if you were there!!
      Hugs, Carrie and Pups x

  4. Poochie pawty n we missed it!!!! **FLOUNDER** We apaulogizez n hope all of ya had a furabuluss time!! yer tutz’ are so lubly n dem pupckaez look nommie guud….
    N frozen yougert treetz soundz pawsum too!!!! šŸ˜‰
    Much lub Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0x0

    • Thanks so much Nylablue…. don’t worry, we are so behind even the party was later than it should have been here!! I am not sure if you are allowed because of your poorlies but we would definitely have shared all the treats with you if we could!!
      Hugs, Carrie and Pups x

  5. šŸ˜‰ Me iz nott alloud treetz anymore cause of da stoopid Bowel Disease! me fancey Vet kibble iz me treetz now it seemz..
    Ask Miss Carrie if ya can haz sum treetz on me beehalf??
    Lub ā¤ Nylablue ā¤

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