Black & White Sunday: Hair+Ball



Is this the reason these balls are luminous? 😀

We also just wanted to take this opportunity to wish all of the mums out there a very happy Mothers Day! In the UK we celebrate this day in March (I have no idea why we are different to anybody else?). But we hope that you have had a lovely day and were spoiled rotten by your babies with fur, paws, claws, tails, beaks etc etc. it doesn’t matter… we’re all family!

Hugs ans Woofs,
Carrie and pups! xXx



THIS IS A BLOG HOP! Black and White Sunday is lovingly hosted by Sugar and Nola … Thank You!


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28 thoughts on “Black & White Sunday: Hair+Ball

  1. Yow Miss Carrie…we iz gonna bee da fesrt to wish YA: HAPPY MUM’Z DAY frum da north hemi-sfere of da werld!
    Much lub to ya n da poochiez too 🙂
    Yer furendz Nylablue ❤ n Sherriellen Mum too ❤

  2. Shure Miss Carrie ya can sellybrate 2 Mum’z Dayz…why nott?? 😉
    Yerz iz Motherin Sunday…maybee more wif da Cherch? Whereas ourz iz frum da Statez when dey adopted diz date…
    Me nott onlee cute me nose stuff too…MOL…
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤

  3. EEoww Aunti Carrie maybee if me iz still here…bin a bit under da weather since day weekend….Bowel Disease…iz botherin me…Mum keepin an eye on me like a hawk again…
    she iz vigilantte me can tell ya!
    Lub to da poochiez n ya frum me ❤ Nylablue ❤

    • Oh nooo nylablue!! I am so sorry to hear that, and it’s been a long time again! Sorry!! I hope you are feeling better, you poor thing. You definitely be taking it easy, seems like it’s mums turn to look after you now!!
      We all send all our loves and have fingers and paws crossed that you feel better soon!
      Hugs, Carrie and Pups x

  4. Yow Miss cArrie n Myfie n Ellie n Millie me iz in a Pancreatitis flare-up again…Mum cott it in time n gott me to da Vet yesturday so me cuud get treetmint!!!!
    Me n Mum alwayz take ternz carin fer each other….yer rite iz her tern now 😉
    Lub Nylablue ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

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