Yoo Hoo! YOO HOO! Award

On Sunday we were presented with an award from Nylablue and her lovely mum, Sherri-Ellen. It’s a brand new award and we were so excited to receive it from our newest friends here in the blogosphere! Thank you so much for thinking of us, all this awards business is very new to us and it was such a lovely surprise!


Ooooh Look how pretty it is!

The award is brand-spanking new and created by Nerissa. It is called the ‘Yoo Hoo! YOO HOO! Award’ and is all about celebrating the welcome of 100,000 blog visitors (woah can you IMAGINE?). CONGRATULATIONS Nerissa!

There are a couple of rules for accepting this awards and they are:
– Firstly, post the award on your blog and thank the blogger who gave it to you.
– Secondly, visit at least three of the blogs that are receiving the award along with you and leave a
– Thirdly, tell us all three things you have to celebrate.  You know, three things for which you are
– Lastly, pass along the award to seven other bloggers and let them know you have done so.
(Source: Nerissa)

So, here are OUR three things to be thankful for:

1/ Myfie, Ellie and Millie… of course! I could have cheated and listed each pup separately but that wouldn’t have been properly in the spirit of things would it? I like to think the pups are each thankful for each other too.

2/ The Internets – Without it we wouldn’t be here! We couldn’t have met all the lovely people that we know through the blog, and before that; Instagram, Twitter and various other social networking sites. We have met some truly wonderful friends over the last couple of years, that in ‘real life’ we would have never had the opportunity to connect with. That’s a pretty humbling thought because many of the good friends we have now live all over the world and we have never seen more than a photo!

3/ Sunshine – because it means that the grass in the yard isn’t soaking wet and the pups can get in there to race and play to their hearts content. My little shedquarters is down there too, so I am very happy to have company while I work.

I am now going to pass on the award to SEVEN bloggers we feel extra lucky for knowing. I could quite honestly just list everybody because we feel lucky to know you ALL. So for anybody that doesn’t get mentioned please take the award with our love!
To whittle this one down, we decided that we would highlight those blogs that WordPress reckons we have had the most interaction with recently, and since this post seems to centre around being grateful for communicating and getting to know folk it kinda fits! So without further ado our nominations aaarrrreeeee:

1/ Misakithemisadventuresofmisaki.wordpress.com

2/ Fozziemumdinz1234.wordpress.com

3/ M.K Clintonhttp://www.mkclinton.com/

4/ Whitleyhttp://whitleywestie.blogspot.co.uk/

5/ Will and Eko – http://www.petcentric.com/authors/will-eko

6/ Easy Boy – easyweimaraner.wordpress.com

7/ Sand Spring Chesapeakes – sandspringchesapeakes.wordpress.com

Please accept this award as a mark of our thanks for your support and friendship. I think there is only one extra rule I would have added and that is please give your dogs, cats, chickens, pigs, hamsters etc. a little treat on our behalf. The pups inform me this goes a lot further with them!



28 thoughts on “Yoo Hoo! YOO HOO! Award

    • Thanks so much Bill! For this and all ALL of your support, we would have loved to pass our award on to you, but you don’t do your blog anymore do ya? 😦
      Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x

  1. Congratulations to Nylablue and you! What a beautiful award, it looks so happy! We are thrilled to receive it and to be mentioned with these other amazing bloggers. Thank you so very much, I will post and pass it on with thanks and love. Have a wonderful Easter.

  2. Ya liked da award Miss Carrie n Poochiez??
    Oh ‘sxuse me, iz Nylablue here….me iz so eggcited dat ya liked da award!
    Me n Mum wanted to wellcome our newest furendz ’cause ya all iz speshell to us.
    Happy Eastur n YOO HOO!!!! 😉
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too xoxo

    • Aww Nylablue I loved it! Thanks so much to you and your mum, it means a lot to me! I would have sent it right on back to you if I could but I didn’t know if that was ‘allowed’
      I just about peed my pants with the excitement, but don’t tell anybody!
      Hope you are both having a fabulous Easter!!
      Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x

    • You’re so very welcome Whitley, we loves you and you’re blog and we very much appreciate you keeping us safe from Zombies!
      Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x

  3. Congratulations and many thanks for nominating moi ! I’m thankful for the internet too (although sometimes it drives me crazy). Without that fabulous invention we had no blogville, no chats, no onlineshopping….. I can’t remember what we have done many moons ago without the internet :o) have a great easter sunday!

    • Thanks Easy! You’re so very welcome and you are definitely right, the internet can be JUST as frustrating as it is wonderful! But without it, well I can’t bear to think!
      Hope you are all having the best Easter!
      Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x

  4. Yow Miss Carrie n Myfie n Ellie n Millie do not peez da pantz!!! 😉
    Mum sayz use da Poise pantee linerz, MOL…
    “Sshhh Mum ya iz embarrassin me!”
    Anyway we wnated to do sumfing speshel n we suckseeded so we iz happy now 🙂
    Happy Eatur frum me Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum ❤ ❤ ❤

    • Hahaa, Nylablue, please thank you mum for the excellent tip! Sorry for making you blush.
      You definitely succeeded we are all very grateful!
      Loves to you and mum! x

  5. Pingback: Thursday Barks And Bytes~A Treat and A Award | Sand Spring Chesapeakes

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